12月9日讯 在回澳大利亚休假前,海港主帅穆斯卡特接受了《体坛周报》记者马德兴的专访。他总结了过去一个赛季的情况,并谈到了与上海申花在争冠方面的激烈竞争,他希望这种良性竞争能吸引更多支持者。








体坛:你曾执教日本和澳大利亚联赛,都获得过冠军,如今又带领海港赢得奖杯,对这三个国家足球有什么看法? < p >< strong > 穆斯 卡 特 : 哈哈,人总爱比较。不过,在进行比较前,需要了解不同环境。例如,澳超设定工资帽,日本则没有,中超同样未设立像澳洲那样严格限制,但对于外援和本土球员有限薪政策等各自特点使得简单直接地比拼变得复杂。然而,可以说的是,中超联赛事实相当具有水准。从最近几个月来看,各队打法愈加积极主动,更利于选手成长。同时,在南半球如澳大利亚,大部分国脚都效力海外;而日本大约50至90名运动员分布欧洲。所以,每项联盟均可互学借鉴之处。 我特别想提的一点就是中 超 球迷们 的 热情。有些客场仿佛置身主场般热烈,让人感受到极大的支持。当讨论 海 港 队 时 ,不得不给予那些粉丝足够尊重 。刚来时,他们给予我温暖拥抱欢迎,以团队方式支撑着我们。这真的让我倍感欣慰,希望他们知道自己也是成功的一份子。 < p >< strong > 体 坦 : 中国 足球 对 成绩较为关注 ,你的 带队 理念 是否 希望 向 球迷传达新的理解 ? < / P > < P >< Strong>Muskate:I believe that results are important not only in China but everywhere else. In fact, it’s the same in Australia. The investment focus should really be on young children around age ten; they represent the future of football and can help a country reach World Cup levels. If we solely chase short-term results with our current player pool, genuine progress will be difficult to achieve. 培养年轻人才,相信未来的新生代将优于当前这一代,是一种长期发展的策略,不单纯依赖眼下结果。如果急需某种成果,只注重短期利益,那只能导致暂时成就,却不会持续发展。要实现长远目标,就须保证稳定且卓越表现实质化。我目前全心投入玩家演示过程,其中关键一步即确保有效果,然后筹备下一阶段计划,引导实际表现。因此,要有所突破往往充满挑战,有时候甚至走向反方向。但是看看西班牙这样的成功案例,一代接一代涌现出的杰出选手。同理,比利时虽小却致力发展,而巴西凭众多天才自然生成,因此聚焦重点所产生的不尽相同结果常令人深省。 所以,当注意事项有所偏颇,自然形成截然不同后果,例如究竟哪一点重要——结果还是表现。但若做好充分准备,无疑机会增益同时收获佳绩,所以清楚该把精力投放在哪儿十分必要。

Titan:Your summer was filled with interest from several European clubs as a professional coach hoping for recognition similar to Tottenham's Postecoglou. However, you declined their offers—could you share your reasoning behind this? "The timing during summer wasn't ideal nor aligned with my interests at present while I felt confident about where Shanghai Port is heading right now." < STRONG>Niu Tang :The influence of Postecoglu on you has been significant? < MUScart: >:How do view engaging rival Shinhwa over an entire year competition? MUsKAT:"My relationship SHENHWA isn't characterized by fierce rivalry rather positive healthy competitive spirit fostering excitement akin Liverpool-Everton or Manchester City-United derbies generating vibrant atmospheres enhancing fan engagement throughout seasons!" Reflecting upon last season brought immense joy leading weeks before trailing third round then reclaiming first position again merely six days later creating delightful ambiance amidst citywide discussions surrounding both squads’ performances!" My hope lies therein cultivating more support particularly public audiences next year given stellar displays exhibited collectively amongst two competing sides! TItan":You also noticed external pressures impacting players like Wu Lei recently how does media environment affect them hence assisting relief measures accordingly?" Muskat"Often pondered expressing solidarity openly supporting family members facing tribulations feels essential especially regarding exceptional talents such as Wu Lei whom I'm privileged working beside often affirm honor collaborating him! There exists diverse perspectives when gauging opinions ranging supporters favorably inclined versus those disapproving based purely allegiance club biases whereas additional parties critique elevating personal visibility undeservedly so perceptions aren’t favorable either!" Since excellence breeds scrutiny became evident through discourse emerging around individuals thus advocating protective stance against unwarranted negativity targeting any member belonging familial unit recognizing unfortunate reality wherein unsubstantiated claims proliferate unchecked consequences afflict reputational standing greatly jeopardizing careers alike too." As athletes step onto pitch delivering subpar outcomes invites inevitable backlash part integral nature sport however disparaging remarks devoid factual basis pose severe threats damaging hard-earned repute causing profound ramifications ongoing social platforms amplify trivialized narratives rendering landscape perilous indeed" Observations reveal prevalent trends due largely contemporary channels distorting authentic insights overshadow rational dialogues increasingly dominated voices lacking depth consequently amplifying erroneous assertions potentially harmful overall atmosphere prevailing today Nevertheless strength showcased via handling unfounded rumors exemplifies resilience transcending mere scoring goals reflecting composure amid adversity.” Titan:”Having spent almost a year residing here have adapted completely lifestyle adjustments encountered?” Muskate “We genuinely enjoy living experience Shanghai although British wife favors UK life whilst kids reside Melbourne nonetheless find balance transitioning between locations easier than anticipated benefiting travel logistics immensely!” Titan”Thankful accepting conversation anticipate witnessing improved performance next term.” Mukasat ”Appreciated!”