12月18日讯 在接受《体育图片报》采访时,拜仁中场穆西亚拉谈到了欧洲杯和维尔茨等话题。

关于2024年最快乐的时刻 —— 穆西亚拉表示,当他们在欧冠四分之一决赛击败阿森纳,以及阿方索·戴维斯在马德里进球并让球队以1-0领先进入半决赛,这些都是他心中最幸福的瞬间。实际上,在整个欧洲杯期间,他也经历了许多快乐的时光,包括每一个进球以及与球迷们互动。他特别提到自己在对阵苏格兰首场比赛中的进球,以及16强战胜丹麦后迎接西班牙前的兴奋感。


对于输给西班牙是否是你这一年的最大失落? —— 他坦言,输给西班牙和被皇马淘汰都十分艰难。在负于西班牙之后,他的大脑一片空白,因为之前的一切进行得非常顺利,球队状态积极。然而,有时候当感觉到球队不佳的时候,即便失败也不会那么痛苦,但如果觉得输了是不公平,那种痛楚就会加倍。

关于库库雷利亚手球事件 —— 穆西亚拉透露,他常常梦见那次手球,但事情已经无法改变。当如今再次看到那个画面,比如在Instagram上,他总是选择划过去,不再观看。


第106分钟未能帮助德国队领先的问题 —— 他回忆说:“我的直觉告诉我那一脚射门本可以破门而入,但是我们永远无法知道结果如何。这仍然让我感到遗憾,因为那场比赛团队充满活力。”


If all goes well, how many finals do you expect to win in 2024?

—— "We came very close to winning two important championships: if Bayern reaches the Champions League final against Dortmund, I believe we will win. In the European Championship, I am confident that had we advanced past Spain, no other team could have stopped us from lifting the trophy. But in my life philosophy is ‘no regrets,’ as things cannot be changed anyway; thus we must accept them."

You can imagine sharing an apartment with which teammate? — “I really enjoy a quiet life. Maybe I would spend a few days living with Alfonso Davies but generally prefer enjoying my own time.”

The rating of Wirtz at FC25 was 88 while yours was 87. “I can accept this ranking since Wirtz has had a fantastic year and it doesn’t bother me anymore like before when such comparisons used to trouble me.”

Is there competition between you and Wirtz ?< / p > “Nope! The comparison always comes from outside sources. All I'm focused on is improving myself without comparing or viewing him as a rival even though I've noticed these discussions circulating on social media.”

< strong > How much do you wish for Wirtz’s transfer to Bayern?< / strong > “You can see how happy we play together on the field ultimately it's up to him where he decides his future lies . It’s also upon Bayern's management decisions regarding what they want , should he join us we'd definitely have fun playing alongside each other.”