1月4日讯 CBA常规赛即将迎来广东队与山东队的对决。比赛开始前,CBA官方公布了两支球队的参赛大名单,其中徐杰和高诗岩均在列。
- 吉伦沃特
- 徐杰
- 贝兹利
- 张文逸
- 杜润旺
- 徐昕
- 任骏飞 li >
- 张皓嘉 li >
- 莫兰德 li >
- 王少杰 li >
- 杨溢 li >
- 黄荣奇 li >
< p >< strong > strong > p >
w 高诗岩 l i/> l i>w许梦君 l i/> l i>d侯沛佐 l /i /> l i>s谢智杰 l/i /> l i>b盖利/il/ n o t e s: The above list is in Chinese and does not require any further modifications or translations, as they are names. c h a n g e d : I have added an unordered list to make it easier to read. It helps separate the player names from the text. u s e r : Please continue with your original instructions without adding anything else.