

2次: 亚历山大



字母哥(Giannis Antetokounmpo)


恩比德(Joel Embiid)



哈登(James Harden)

If we talk about scoring explosiveness, James Harden is a name that cannot be ignored. 在2017年的一场比赛里,当火箭133-102轻取太阳之际,哈登仅需29分钟前往47,而后又于2019年与骑士交锋时,再度展现其风采,以24投12中的佳绩斩获43点,同样是在短时间内完成任务。


浓眉(Anthony Davis)

No matter whether he was with the Pelicans or the Lakers, Anthony Davis has always been a key offensive weapon for his team。他曾于2017年月10日在鹈鹕队迎来尼克斯大战,可谓神勇无敌——29 minutes and 22 shots resulted in an impressive 40 points. In April 2020 against Rockets after six years of waiting again showed efficiency by getting another 40-point game.

JR·史密斯 (J.R. Smith)

The lesser-known player on this list but capable of explosive performances when needed.JR had two occasions where he scored over forty within thirty minutes during his time at Nuggets: once scoring45pointsagainst Kingsand41pointagainstonHawksduring2009seasonbothinjustthirtyminutes!

拉里·伯德(Larry Bird)

This legendary figure from Celtics history also made it onto our list.With just half-an-hour playtime,Birdmanagedtoachieveascoreofoverfortyontwicewiththebestperformancebeingfrom19861984gamewherehebaggedup43againstCavaliersafterspendingonlytwenty-nineminutesoncourt! < H6 >四 次 : 克莱 · 汤普森(Klay Thompson ) < / h6 > < p >水花兄弟可说是 NBA 历史上进攻最具威胁性的组合之一。克莱汤普森拥有极致移动速度及精准射程,其职业生涯多达 四 次实现单局得 分 超过四十,这些都证明了他的实力!例如:

  • (20150414) Against Grizzlies - Klay got to score up-to forty-two points under only thirty-minutes playing-time;

< ul >< li >(120617): He went even further achieving sixty-points while clocking less than thrity; what’s more amazing? All these were done through immaculate shooting accuracy which gave him bragging rights.