



  1. 阿诺德(利物浦)——7500万欧
  2. 萨拉赫(利物浦)——5500万欧
  3. 阿方索-戴维斯(拜仁)——5000万欧
  4. 基米希(拜仁)——5000万欧
  5. 戴维(里尔)——4500万欧
  6. Sane (拜仁) —— 4500 万欧
  7. 德布劳内( 曼城 ) - 35000 欧元
  8. 若纳坦·塔( 勒沃库森 ) - 30000 欧元
  9. 范迪克( 利物浦 ) -280000 欧元   
  10. 博斯卡里 ( 埃因霍温 ) -270000 欧元       


      Contract Year Player Valuation Top List for February 2023: Bundesliga Edition!

      # Contract Year Player Valuation Top List for February! 🏆🔥📊💰🤑🏅👟⚽️🎉🥳❤️‍🔥✨🌍🔝🇩🇪🚀✈️👍🏻😎🤌🏼😍🙌🏼👏🏻🙏🏼🐐🍾🥂⛷️❗️ ✔ #Bundesliga #SoccerTransferNews 📋 💬 ⚡ 🔥 👇 🍻 🌟 🎯 🚨 👁 ⏱ 🤔 ❓ ✖ ☑ ✅ ♻ 🧐 😤 🙄 😉 😊 ![Image](https://image.url/here.jpg) ### Summary of the Rankings: The top player valuations based on their contract year status in European football as per German Transfer Market. The rankings highlight key players with significant market value, demonstrating both talent and potential impact on future transfers. #### Conclusion: This list serves as a valuable reference point not only for clubs looking to bolster their squads but also fans eager to understand the dynamics of player valuation within major leagues.

